In vitro baby embryo transfer through oriental medicine

In vitro baby embryo transfer through oriental medicine

It is often diagnosed as infertility when a couple has only had a normal marital relationship for more than a year and does not conceive naturally. In the case of over 35 years old, it was based on 6 months after marriage. Currently, as the marriage period was delayed, the age range of childbirth naturally increased, increasing the probability of leading to infertility.

There are many causes leading to infertility, but the success rate of pregnancy has been lowered because women are usually older or the probability of abnormalities in the chromosome of the embryo increases. Since the incidence of miscarriage or deformity will also increase, if you do not conceive naturally for more than six months depending on your age, it is better for a couple to take a fertility test together rather than just waiting.

There are many causes leading to infertility, but the success rate of pregnancy has been lowered because women are usually older or the probability of abnormalities in the chromosome of the embryo increases. Since the incidence of miscarriage or deformity will also increase, if you do not conceive naturally for more than six months depending on your age, it is better for a couple to take a fertility test together rather than just waiting.Natural pregnancy is successful if ovulation, fertilization, and conception are performed naturally, but if any of these were not smooth, it could not be natural pregnancy. If natural pregnancy is difficult, we could induce ovulation, collect ovulated eggs, fertilize them with sperm in the test tube, and transplant them back into the woman’s womb.This could be said to be a way to treat infertility for various causes such as decreased sperm count, irregular ovulation, and anatomical problems. However, the couple is easily exhausted due to the difficult and long process of female patients such as egg collection and embryo transfer after inducing hyperovulation. After being diagnosed with infertility through various fertility tests, I was able to try pregnancy through step-by-step treatment according to the condition and cause of the part. If natural pregnancy is difficult, the chances of pregnancy could be increased with the help of artificial insemination or in vitro baby procedures.The official name of the test tube baby mentioned earlier could be said to be a procedure in which eggs and sperm are fertilized in vitro through in vitro fertilization, cultured for two to five days, and then the cultured embryo is transplanted into the uterus. If the fallopian tube of a major woman is closed or ovarian function is greatly reduced, the movement of the sperm is reduced or the number of sperm is insufficient, the artificial insemination continues to fail. I could consider the procedure for infertility of unknown cause.It is carried out in the order of induction of hyperovulation, egg collection, sperm collection, fertilization and culture, and culture transplantation, and hyperovulation was induced with hormone preparations to obtain multiple eggs. Sometimes, if you have a test tube baby, you may think it’s good if you have a large number of eggs, but not all of them. The important thing was that 8 to 14 oocytes were considered appropriate because the higher the quality of oocytes and the higher the number of eggs collected in the appropriate quantity, the higher the risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.If you want a baby for infertile couples, but it’s not easy, so if you want a test tube baby procedure, it would be nice if everyone had a high success rate, but the procedure didn’t mean everyone had a procedure. Therefore, it is important to establish a plan according to the individual’s situation through thorough examination as well as thorough consultation with medical staff because the success rate is affected not only by women’s weight, ovarian function, uterine disease, and sperm quality.However, it was more important to have a healthy body before the procedure than to try it recklessly. The most important thing in pregnancy is a healthy couple’s body. Therefore, it is helpful to try a test tube baby after maintaining a healthy body through oriental medicine fertility treatment. The older a woman is, the smaller the number of ovaries remaining in her ovaries, which could reduce the quality of her eggs. If I tried without any preparation process in a hurry without improving this condition, my ovarian function decreased and my endometrium became thinner, making it difficult to conceive.By strengthening the function of the ovary through the preparation of the test tube baby procedure, the quality of the remaining eggs is improved, and the blood flow to the uterus is smooth, and the more thick and water-soluble the endometrium is, the pregnancy rate can be improved. Therefore, in oriental medicine, treatment was being performed to strengthen the endometrium and improve the uterine environment in order to increase the implantation rate. It was essential for the implantation to make the uterus healthy in terms of disturbing factors, while removing the fish blood and wet talk that interfered with the implantation.Even during the in vitro procedure, we were able to overcome the difficult process safely and increase the success rate by providing appropriate treatment according to each stage. In order to overcome infertility, it is most important to have positive thoughts and healthy lifestyles. If necessary, I hope you will enjoy the great joy of pregnancy by taking appropriate oriental medicine treatment at the same time.50m NAVER Corp. More /OpenStreetMap Map Datax NAVER Corp. /OpenStreetMap Controller Legend Real Estate Street Town, Town, County, Old City, and CountryShez Oriental Medicine Clinic 421 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, reservationShez Oriental Medicine Clinic 421 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, reservationShez Oriental Medicine Clinic 421 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, reservationprevious image next imageprevious image next imageprevious image next image